11/1998 iCE Pack
2. Lounging in our Fortune 500 HeadQuarters this month, our team of lawyers noticed a small discrepancy in a design company's website. That flaw was the fact that iCE artists were responsible for several of the graphics on those pages! Off we raced to the corporate jet, and like a bolt of lightning, the legal action was quickly settled. Trauma, aka Airbrush, aka Render, or maybe one of the other fifty aliases he has used, was responsible for ripping the art and we hope that he has learned his lesson.
3. Due to a recent "donation" by a concerned purveyor of iCE handicraft, iCE will be giving away stickers in the coming months. When the stickers are done, we will provide an address to send an SASE. We hope these stickers can help commemorate the launch of our new website - which is again - closer than ever to going live. Stay tuned for all kinds of fun stuff to come.
4. The southernly migration of ten million black-bellied pigeons every year does pose almost insurmountable problems. The Port Authority in Louisiana had apparently found what they believed to be a solution - feeding Tainted X to the flock of pigeons. Tainted's whereabouts remain unknown, but we're confident that he'll make it back intact.
5. Blenderhead became Bagboy. The operation was apparently very painful and we're not sure why it was done in the first place.
6. Following a rash series of applications this month (resulting in our new members, coincidentally) the application procedure for iCE is a bit behind schedule. Those who have applied to iCE may already know that the staff seems to move as if we actually _were_ frozen when it comes to voting, but the influx of applications has backed this up even further. Yeah yeah, good for nothings!
7. Another fun-filled month of great proportions - everyone will enjoy the art this month, we packed it thick and juicy for the people. Because we're about people. People about people. Small naked teddy bears about people. Angry fat kids about juicy cheeseburgers. Cheeseburgers about people. I think the underlying point here, is that it's all about ham, isn't it?
-Mass "Ham Hock Eating Icicle Juggler" Delusion