November, 2000 iCE Pack

1. Just because you asked nicely, here's yet another ice pack!
2. iCE would like to proudly announce! Load up your web browser and check out right now. is a new project that lets people draw together collaboratively, though it's designed to enforce chaos on resulting image. You can view the first image created with this process in this pack - check out ice-tile.jpg!
2a. It seems to be a big hit, though not many people are doing art for the pack anymore :)
3. Unfortunately, our database server had an untimely end. For that reason, our web site was out of commission for a week or two this month. It's back up and struggling now, but we should have a new web site coming soon!
4. We have 2 new members in iCE this month. Vincent Claes is a fantastic 3d artist from France. You can check out his art on, and the clips and shots of the film he is working on!
4a. Robin Graham is our other new member. She is from California and has worked on sci-fi movies, among other things. Her artwork can be found at
- Slothy and Mass Delusion