12/1995 iCE Pack
2. First on the agenda is the member update. Catbones was swept away by a giant teddy-bear that sang Kwanzaa carols and fed on gummi worms. He later rejoined ACiD in an unprecedented move to corner the orange juice market along with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd.
2.5 We would like to welcome back Veks, the graffiti-type font stud from the West Coast. Also, new this month is Misfit, a talented ansi artist who joins us from ACiD. It's great to have both of you with us :)
3. This month saw a rare promotion. Lemonade now joins Toon Goon as Ansi Coordinator. We can't wait to see how far iCE will go under the caring loving touches of everyone's favorite sour beverage. Knock back another to a successful future!
4. This month saw the first print advertisement for iCE(tm). In LOGON magazine appears a vga of the Daffy Duck iCE ansi by Lemonade, MM, and Lord Soth, with the famous iCE font by Pnakotic, as well as the usual information on how to get in contact with us. For subscription information for LOGON magazine, call 1-800-585-9846. The magazine covers mostly BBS topics, but also plans on covering the art scene, the web, and other net-related topics.
5. Mascot's MS-TCP.JPG is his cover from The Computer Paper magazine, which we mentioned last month. Congrats on the well-deserved publicity Mascot, I hope the magazine is on your mantle right next to your other trophies, awards, and sexual apparatus.
6. Hannibal has been in Tibet for the past few months, meditating, waiting for buddha. Just thought you should know.
7. iCE heartily supports everyone changing their names to unpronouncable symbols which are all pronounced "little bikkhu."
7.5 mmmmmmm... beer.
8. Smash!, the Australian demogroup of which Squidgalator ][ is a member, finally released their megademo, entitled 'Awakening.' You can pick it up on ftp.cdrom.com /demos/alpha/1995/s/sm-awake.zip; This marks Slothy's second demo greet, something which makes him proud :) We would also like to encourage everyone who will be attending the upcoming Australian democompo to vote for the Heretics demo, which is SQ2's current active demogroup, as Awakening marked the end of Smash.
9. The following statement is true.
10. The preceding statement is false.
11. The Party 95 was held from December 27th to the 29th. Regardless of the already-surfacing Party 95 voting problems (with Lizardking nabbing last place on the 4 channel music compo), Necros was placed 7th, and Mellow-D took a suspicious 18th place in the multichannel music compo. Regardless, they are really some amazing tunes, and we recommend you hunt them down and give them a listen. At the time of pack release, Mellow-D has not released his song yet, so the filename is unknown. Necros -- /demos/incoming/TP95/mmul/revelatn.zip Mellow-D -- 'come guilt'
12. Hi scott! Hi greg!
12.5 Doh!
13. We would like to apologize to Magnetic M for an act of the mighty allah that caused the MM-FERRE.ICE to be released lacking the final few bytes. To get the whole ansi, please feel free to email [email protected] and he will gladly email it to you.
14. Golden Image went down, but sadly we are NOT currently accepting applications for the new European HQ. Please do not send European Headquarters requests/applications, as they will be promptly ignored.
15. The pack this month was created on a computer belonging to CyberChrist of SWAT and Der Schatten formerly of ACiD couriering. They threatened Friar Tuck's life if a greet was not added for them. So, here's the greet. Thanks, dudes, I nuked your warez directory. ;)
16. As we enter into 1996, we hope you all had a great New Years and other respective religious holidays. We'll do our best to make sure iCE doesn't stop improving, both on the viewer's end as well as making it better for everyone involved. Here's to a future that is brighter than we can even imagine!
� Your iCE Representatives, Frere Jacques, Syntie, Slothy, and Forcie. �