Ah , this one is interesting ;)
Very nice blending , nice color use as well ;)
Shapes are well-defined and it gives good openings to other tile workers , nice =]
My slight comment would be on the brickwall background , but then again thats double edged , since it my be done on purpose to give other tileworkers not too much of a bad time , but I would perhaps encourage the appearance of a bit more depth and details to that wall =]
Though it took some observation to actualy notice the background , so i doubt its a big problem ;)
I have noted this one with a good score , nice piece ;)
Good job =]
This tile is from Newbies 18: Our Improved Flavor Might Surprise You!
Tile Info

Comment: Let dinner begin.....or something along those lines.
By: Mbackhouse
Checked out at: November 14, 2002
Checked in at: November 14, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
My comments =]
best yet
excellent blending, and excellent tile. It looks like spending the extra 15 minutes payed off on this one. I think I should start calling you the 'leaf tiler'. lol
almost awkward to see sumfin this good on a newbie quilt. nice work. ;)