This tile is from Newbies 18: Our Improved Flavor Might Surprise You!
Tile Info

Comment: let's joust!
By: Mantic
Checked out at: November 14, 2002
Checked in at: November 14, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
There's that pesky balloon again
Hah! Is that a reflection of a boy holding a balloon in the shield??? Hard to say, but if it is it's freakin great!
I think this quilt wanna be best newbies quilt ever.
I think this quilt wanna be best newbies quilt ever.
Part of the clown and balloon spree...
I should point out that I kinda cheated here by building a model for the shield (not that many polygons) and painting a quickie reflection map. It's a clown holding the balloon, of course. Quick paste and some post processing on the colour and I sent it in...
However, I have been regretting and dreading the appearance of this tile because I think the green putty on the walls makes the whole thing look really sloppy. Ahh, well...
However, I have been regretting and dreading the appearance of this tile because I think the green putty on the walls makes the whole thing look really sloppy. Ahh, well...