Well, I can finally see the torso and arms of that being that I've crapped up for you by providing at least two of the incongruous tiles that will come to rest against this beauty. As for your efforts, nice work. As for mine, profound apologies! Eddie M.
This tile is from Return of the Mainquilters
Tile Info

Warrior Princess
By: Primal_r
Checked out at: September 18, 2001
Checked in at: September 18, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
I'll be on your hit list too...
Re: I'll be on your hit list too...
no need to apologise... or atleast, let me see them before apologising =) ... As long as you liked my part of it, I'm happy. And anyway, two of the sides look ok, so it's not like I'm gonna think "oh no, nobody blended my warrior princess"... I'm sure your tiles is good enough to not be something you have to apologise for... Wupp. Signing off.
Those gotta be all plastic. ;)