I really cant believe someone voted negative.
AND didnt bother to comment on why they think
that my tile had a negative impact on this
quilt.Oh well.Thanks to the positive votes.
This tile is from For Newbies II: The Revenge of the Newbies
Tile Info

Beavis flowers?
By: Krogg
Checked out at: September 07, 2001
Checked in at: September 08, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
And again wow
Re: And again wow
It wasn't me, but I am sure it was because you didn't blend the right side of your tile.
I don't understand why you blended the top and left sides, but did absolutely nothing with the right. Perhaps that's why whoever gave you a negative vote did so.
I tried,i thought.The right side was almost entirely black
as you can see from the "draw here" tile.There was some
little bits of faint blue,that i did blend into the right
side of the tile.There isnt much that one could do when
there is so little to go on.I see where i could have done
better though.I will keep trying in the future.Thanks for
the comments.It helps to know what people are thinking.
Also,For the record,I think this quilt idea is totaly cool.
as you can see from the "draw here" tile.There was some
little bits of faint blue,that i did blend into the right
side of the tile.There isnt much that one could do when
there is so little to go on.I see where i could have done
better though.I will keep trying in the future.Thanks for
the comments.It helps to know what people are thinking.
Also,For the record,I think this quilt idea is totaly cool.
Now i see...I am looking at this on a different monitor and i see.my tile
looks all green on the right...My other monitor must have some kind of problem
or something.I am sorry.I will try to figure out what the problem is.
looks all green on the right...My other monitor must have some kind of problem
or something.I am sorry.I will try to figure out what the problem is.
Its kinda funny though.I was seeing a perfectly blended
tile,and there were two people saying that the right side
wasnt blended and i really couldnt see what the heck they
were talkin about.Anyway,its funny,but embarassing too.
tile,and there were two people saying that the right side
wasnt blended and i really couldnt see what the heck they
were talkin about.Anyway,its funny,but embarassing too.
Oh ya,I forgot to say though,Thats what i mean about negative
votes with out comments.If the negative voters had said something
then i would have known sooner or something...anyway.Maybe this
crappy first inpression will fade into the past later.
votes with out comments.If the negative voters had said something
then i would have known sooner or something...anyway.Maybe this
crappy first inpression will fade into the past later.