This tile is from For Newbies II: The Revenge of the Newbies
Tile Info

My third tile ^_^, blended a lot and added some red Balls with a catcher device (uhh, it is too late to explain ^_^)
By: Coldsky
Checked out at: September 02, 2001
Checked in at: September 03, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
so it's not a bananapicker that can be used really many times in monkey island? =)
Re: ...
ofcourse I mean monkey island(tm) ! =
I thought it was BEAVIS!
When i did the tile just below this one,the little
strip that was on the top had just enough that the
picker thing looked just like beavis's chin from
"Beavis and Butthead"...I almost made his body,but
thought against it..
strip that was on the top had just enough that the
picker thing looked just like beavis's chin from
"Beavis and Butthead"...I almost made his body,but
thought against it..