I mean, C'mon pal...We're not making a checkerboard here and if you step on a crack, your mother's back won't break! This is easier than a paint-by-numbers kit, why've you got to complicate it? Listen guy, I don't want to have to keep
gigging you, understand?
This tile is from For Newbies II: The Revenge of the Newbies
Tile Info

By: LongIslandEddie
Checked out at: August 15, 2001
Checked in at: August 16, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
Why'd ya bother?
Re: Why'd ya bother?
Ed man, don't start talking to yourself now. First it's naked pictures of your relatives on here, then you finally start turning out some fantastic tiles, but you're now talking to yourself :) Is this a bad sign or a good one?
Re: Re: Why'd ya bother?
Me and my analyst (and not Smith Barney) have been trying to come to grips with that very sane question and of yet, have not gotten a suitable answer! I wonder at times, if this is not a subconscious kind of flagelation, you know, the humbling of one's self before their peeps (or peers or whomever). I went back to the rule book and browsed through the section on sanity and after I didn't find a blanket policy, discerned that nutsiness and artistic flair often make fine bedfellows. I used to hang out in some of those sleazy AOL chatrooms and once in awhile it snaps apparent with me that there is no one really there, as
I confess to my text box. All humor aside, I think that as long as I am worthy of harsh critique, that it might as well be honest criticism, self realized before they all begin singing,
"The King's new clothes are altogether"...
But, I'm truly "touched"...that you care, thanks, Jon!
Ed Martin
Me and my analyst (and not Smith Barney) have been trying to come to grips with that very sane question and of yet, have not gotten a suitable answer! I wonder at times, if this is not a subconscious kind of flagelation, you know, the humbling of one's self before their peeps (or peers or whomever). I went back to the rule book and browsed through the section on sanity and after I didn't find a blanket policy, discerned that nutsiness and artistic flair often make fine bedfellows. I used to hang out in some of those sleazy AOL chatrooms and once in awhile it snaps apparent with me that there is no one really there, as
I confess to my text box. All humor aside, I think that as long as I am worthy of harsh critique, that it might as well be honest criticism, self realized before they all begin singing,
"The King's new clothes are altogether"...
But, I'm truly "touched"...that you care, thanks, Jon!
Ed Martin
Re: Re: Re: Why'd ya bother?
You really should grab an irc client and head over to irc.ice.org and join us in #tiles, Eddie. We'd love to get to know you a bit more.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why'd ya bother?
An irc client? This wouldn't be like a Corona, would it? Maybe I should grab a tad of tact and a modicum of skill before I join anything short of checkered borders. Unless I'm in line for an administrative pardon and a worthy tally sheet, I would have to say that, although very tantalizing, your offer stuns me
beyond comprehension. Funny that you should mention it but there is as much fun in getting to know the people here on tiles.ice.org, as any reasonable masochist could rightly extend himself to while continuing to stick it out (as I have, so often)...If your offer was sincere (and I am sure that it was), be a love and listen as I click my heels together, three times while repeating, "I wish I was in irc ice.com". Eddie
An irc client? This wouldn't be like a Corona, would it? Maybe I should grab a tad of tact and a modicum of skill before I join anything short of checkered borders. Unless I'm in line for an administrative pardon and a worthy tally sheet, I would have to say that, although very tantalizing, your offer stuns me
beyond comprehension. Funny that you should mention it but there is as much fun in getting to know the people here on tiles.ice.org, as any reasonable masochist could rightly extend himself to while continuing to stick it out (as I have, so often)...If your offer was sincere (and I am sure that it was), be a love and listen as I click my heels together, three times while repeating, "I wish I was in irc ice.com". Eddie