At least you almost blended one whole side on this one.
btw: if you are intentionally trying to screw up the quilts, no one cares. The newbies quilts are just for practice anyway.
This tile is from For Newbies II: The Revenge of the Newbies
Tile Info

By: LongIslandEddie
Checked out at: August 10, 2001
Checked in at: August 11, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
more color blindness
Re: more color blindness
I assure you that I am not intentionally trying to screw up the quilt.
The more active that I become in doing tiles, the more I come to understand that the greatest skill is in blending rather than drawing. I look at a quilt
and can see those obvious screwups that I am making but at the time when I am creating the tile, it seems that I have tunnel vision! Often, when I see such skillfully blended work, I find it incredible that one artist cannot see or know anthing more than that trace hint of an adjacent tile. I have taken tiles down with only a splash of color to hint at which direction to take. To keep from impinging upon a fellow tiler, I sometimes confine my artwork to the very center of the tile being afraid to run any imagery into the edges of my boundary area. I'm sure that this must seem equally inane to those who have graduated the newbie status and surpassed these "practice quilts" as I believe you indicated when you intimated that I might be practicing some sort of sabotage on the surrealistic newbie quilts. I suppose that ICE could be likened to some form of art training fraternity here on the internet and that whatever criticism is delivered, is dispensed with an eye toward teaching. Yes, old dogs can learn new tricks and someday, if and after I've made my bones here on your website, I hope to be the beneficiary of all the lessons, that you and others like you are working so hard to teach me. Thank you for your council and your time and have faith that I'll improve. Ed Martin
I assure you that I am not intentionally trying to screw up the quilt.
The more active that I become in doing tiles, the more I come to understand that the greatest skill is in blending rather than drawing. I look at a quilt
and can see those obvious screwups that I am making but at the time when I am creating the tile, it seems that I have tunnel vision! Often, when I see such skillfully blended work, I find it incredible that one artist cannot see or know anthing more than that trace hint of an adjacent tile. I have taken tiles down with only a splash of color to hint at which direction to take. To keep from impinging upon a fellow tiler, I sometimes confine my artwork to the very center of the tile being afraid to run any imagery into the edges of my boundary area. I'm sure that this must seem equally inane to those who have graduated the newbie status and surpassed these "practice quilts" as I believe you indicated when you intimated that I might be practicing some sort of sabotage on the surrealistic newbie quilts. I suppose that ICE could be likened to some form of art training fraternity here on the internet and that whatever criticism is delivered, is dispensed with an eye toward teaching. Yes, old dogs can learn new tricks and someday, if and after I've made my bones here on your website, I hope to be the beneficiary of all the lessons, that you and others like you are working so hard to teach me. Thank you for your council and your time and have faith that I'll improve. Ed Martin