This tile is from Girls' Own Adventure (a quilt for women)
Tile Info

A forest for the trees in bloom
By: chimericalgirl
Checked out at: July 20, 2001
Checked in at: July 20, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
Looks nice. needs to be blended a little more on the right though.
Re: blend
Do you mean the grey bit along the side of Kim's tile or the stipply bit on the grey stripe?
If you mean the grey stripe, that's actually in Kim's tile. The stipply bit should be cleaner, since I cloned it over. Hmmm. Oh. Crud. I just checked it in photoshop and it blurred out when I exported to JPEG. Crudcrudcrud.
The PSD is all clean, though. I guess I'm going to have to do PNGs from now on.
If you mean the grey stripe, that's actually in Kim's tile. The stipply bit should be cleaner, since I cloned it over. Hmmm. Oh. Crud. I just checked it in photoshop and it blurred out when I exported to JPEG. Crudcrudcrud.
The PSD is all clean, though. I guess I'm going to have to do PNGs from now on.
Re: Re: blend
you can turn it into a PNG and ask kim to ask slothy to delete it then you can recheck out that tile . . . like I did when i accidentally uploaded the wrong thing :)
Re: Re: Re: blend
Nah. I can live with the poor score on this one. Slothy has bigger stuff to worry about.
Re: Re: Re: Re: blend
ahhh you haven't seen a poor score until you've done an orange dinosaur.
good work
I think you did really well with the edges you had. I wouldn't have been game to do it. Sorry if my edge on the rihgt made things difficult. It was meant to be a tree for the branch to come out of. The tile below mine had a green/grey stripe on the edge too. Abby's tulip tile was hard to work and I have hassled her about it so she doesn't do it again. :)