This tile is from Girls' Own Adventure (a quilt for women)
Tile Info

mushrooms by retsbabe : )
By: retsbabe
Checked out at: July 18, 2001
Checked in at: July 18, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
looking tile. Too bad I can't vote here... I do think you left the top edge a bit underpopulated for whoever is going to do the tile above you.
Re: Awesome
Well...there is a little more to the tile than what's visible...dont forget about the parts that get cropped off for the other person...there's a blue branch type thing at the top :) You'll see when the tile above mine is completed :)
Re: Re: Awesome
Um... actually the parts that are cropped do not appear in the tile... the tile is cropped to only the 128X128 box in the center. The part that are given to the other person are the 15 pixel edges OF the 128X128 box. So, sorry to tell you, but the parts other than that are not going to appear on the tile..
Other than that, cool tile! :)
Hmm, this quilt shouldn't say "Your score excludes you from this quilt"...
it should say "Your penis excludes you from this quilt"...
Other than that, cool tile! :)
Hmm, this quilt shouldn't say "Your score excludes you from this quilt"...
it should say "Your penis excludes you from this quilt"...
Re: Re: Re: Awesome
Thank you...that was probably in the tiles tutorial somewhere too. I'll keep it in mind when im making others. Thanks Lo.
**Everyone's input on my work is MUCH appreciated btw :) **
**Everyone's input on my work is MUCH appreciated btw :) **
sorry about the bright green stuff
The tile below is mine - after submitting it it occured to me that it was going to be very hard to blend. Nice compromise
Re: sorry about the bright green stuff
no problem! i tried to make it look like ground in the distance :) I'm just hoping it blended well with your tile :)
Re: Re: sorry about the bright green stuff
I've had a few sneak peaks at Kim's screen (as admin of the quilt she can see the whole thing including tiles not visible yet) and it blends pretty well. The tile of mine in question is pretty dodgy though - i was told to "add some colour to the quilt"... gee thanks Kim. I'm not a very good drawer at the best of times. The mushrooms work really well, and the tile to the left of yours looks really good with it too.
I can't compete with graphic designers :)
I can't compete with graphic designers :)
sneaky :)
well the more you do the better you'll get...i havent done many, and it's not easy to blend some tiles! i cant wait to see what yours looks sure its really good :)
Re: sorry about the bright green stuff
I never said add some colour! that was all your own doing.
Re: Re: sorry about the bright green stuff
Yes you did. Don't lie Kim!