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This tile is from Newbies 32 - The Next Generation

Comment: today I was accepted to law school with a $13,000 yearly scholarship! woohoo!
Checked out at: March 01, 2004
Checked in at: March 01, 2004
Checkout tile:


Nice one, Dante! :^)
Way to go!
From the mind of a sleep deprived 1L
As your lawyer, I'd heartily recommend NOT going to law school. Moreover, I'd recommend never even going near a law school. Hell, don't even look in the general direction of a law school unless you have some sort of protective shielding such as a HazMat suit. ;)

Here is an example of the day in the life of a 1L (like yours truly right here). I have been awake for over 48 hours working on an appellate brief in addition to my responsibilities for my other courses, I've also been trying to find a job, trying to prepare for finals, and trying to hone my skills to get on Law Review.

I'm so tired right now I'm hitting that stage beyond delirium. This isn't even rare, man. Law school is an epic nut punch and it will beat any love of the law right out of you, not to mention the fact it will program you (much like bootcamp) into a different person. You'll find yourself thinking, speaking, and acting differently after a few months at least. Oh yeah, and no relationship survives 1L. None. Not even when they promise. Not even when you have plans for the future and have been together for over 3 years. None.

Not that I'm bitter about law school and seriously missing sleep right now or anything. ;) There are days I love it, just know that you'll have days like this... more than you'd like.

But yeah, 13k scholarship? Congrats! That's an awesome accomplishment, manm you should be proud! Seriously, with the competition to get into law school these days, you must have knocked the hell out of the LSAT and had one hell of a GPA. What school is it for?
Re: From the mind of a sleep deprived 1L
Wow... sorry to hear that you had a bad day. Yeah, I know it's going to be hell and occasionally I wake up to that reality, wonder what I'm getting myself into and shudder. On the other hand, I've already been to hell... well, that is I've traveled with Dante through his Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso as an undergrad; this is a big hint for anyone who has wondered about the origin my nick.

This post got awfully long by the time I came close to finishing it and it contained information that I may not want public, so I have emailed it to your live journal account.
Re: From the mind of a sleep deprived 1L
Oh, I forgot one last reply; I've already been reprogrammed by my undergraduate department. It seems to me that any intense education should have a profound effect on a person's whole being and not mearly change their collection of assorted facts (although some educators seem to think it's all about facts). I won't go into details here about how I have changed, but I look back to just a few years ago and I'm amazed at how different of a person I am today.