This tile is from Newbies 20: The Dodecahedron of Newbie Quilts
Tile Info

By: Duracel
Checked out at: December 21, 2002
Checked in at: December 21, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
Hey are a bomb graphic atrist, I've checked out your other work and I'm really impressed with all of it...however, this piece doesn't seem quite up to par with what you're capable of creating! This is not flaming or a put down but c' didn't even really do anything to try and blend with the border you were given----not that I have any room to criticize at all but I was just wondering what was up with this one??? I think the whole tree bark pattern is really interesting and it will give the other tiles around it a cool border but...????? Nothin' but luv for ya man! :-|)
Yeah, well, some uncreativ hours i think
i had fun to paint some detailed structur but had no ideas to make something really interesting out of this tile
".you didn't even really do anything to try and blend with the border you were given-"
well, i think i blend the border very well ... but in a way boring, because there is no funny element there or something - only a more or less nonsense treebark-pattern.
i had fun to paint some detailed structur but had no ideas to make something really interesting out of this tile
".you didn't even really do anything to try and blend with the border you were given-"
well, i think i blend the border very well ... but in a way boring, because there is no funny element there or something - only a more or less nonsense treebark-pattern.
it's different yeah, but i think ...
it's a decent tile by itself.... and i really like it in context with the surrounding tiles. gives the whole area a neat effect. :o))