It took a very long time to paint (4 hours), and even though I didn't finish what I wanted to (brains spilling out the other side of the skull into the neighboring tile(s), etc.), I think the skull turned out well.
A previous discussion re: this tile disappeared when the tile did (rejected tile nearby, perhaps?), so let me recap:
1) Yes, it's all original, and painted by hand.
2) Yes, it's just for ... started when I checked out the tile (i.e., not previously existing artwork as someone "asked").
3) Yes, I use a photo reference, but there isn't much resemblance between the original and the result.
4) I know the "flames" are just smudged color, but they were only supposed to be a bg for the brains (exploding out of skull, see?). But I did take half an hour or so to color them like that ... there are many layers.
That's all I can remember. If there are any questions or critiques, please feel free! I will be responsive.
This tile is from Newbies 17: The Social Lubricator of the Dream World
Tile Info

Comment: I hate that when that happens ...
By: robzilla
Checked out at: October 29, 2002
Checked in at: October 30, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
Well, I like this one.
Kierrato's Comment
I think its a nice job overall , I like the expression of the skull =]
I also think you did a somewhat pretty descent blending with the ... stick or , branch ...
Good overall feeling =]
One thing or two I would suggest is working a bit on the contrasts and edges =]
I like contrasted images because they look much more alive , much less flat =]
Maybe the blending with the top tile is a little harsh though ? @_@
Well theres the eyes alignment being a bit off , but thats ok since its a prehistorical skull of somekind (am I wrong ? =O)
on a side note , I wish I could do my own tile but theres no places left @_@
Anyone thinks I should message a site admin to add a new one ?
I also think you did a somewhat pretty descent blending with the ... stick or , branch ...
Good overall feeling =]
One thing or two I would suggest is working a bit on the contrasts and edges =]
I like contrasted images because they look much more alive , much less flat =]
Maybe the blending with the top tile is a little harsh though ? @_@
Well theres the eyes alignment being a bit off , but thats ok since its a prehistorical skull of somekind (am I wrong ? =O)
on a side note , I wish I could do my own tile but theres no places left @_@
Anyone thinks I should message a site admin to add a new one ?
Re: Kierrato's Comment
Hi Kierrato,
Thanks for the response.
Yeah, I'm having trouble blending the edges because every tile so far has a one-pixel edge that's either lighter or darker than the rest ... doesn't seem to matter what I do, it's still detectable. I'm going to ask about the software, see if I can change it so that two or three pixels at the edge can be painted over by the new tile.
The top edge is a different story ... I don't know what to do with the very pixelated stuff (doesn't look like they took much time with it). I was running out of time so I just turned the flesh tone off the tile (my bad). The green lines I burned in protest.
Hmmm ... I didn't notice the eyes being off until you mentioned it. Maybe my own eyes are off as well? o_O
Yup, it's an ancient baby skull, captured for my friend Josh who is rather odd and likes that sort of thing.
There should be more tiles popping up when some of the checked out ones display, just haveta grab 'em.
Could you elaborate on constasts and edges? Maybe point to some examples? It doesn't look flat to me, so I'd like to see what you mean.
Thanks for the response.
Yeah, I'm having trouble blending the edges because every tile so far has a one-pixel edge that's either lighter or darker than the rest ... doesn't seem to matter what I do, it's still detectable. I'm going to ask about the software, see if I can change it so that two or three pixels at the edge can be painted over by the new tile.
The top edge is a different story ... I don't know what to do with the very pixelated stuff (doesn't look like they took much time with it). I was running out of time so I just turned the flesh tone off the tile (my bad). The green lines I burned in protest.
Hmmm ... I didn't notice the eyes being off until you mentioned it. Maybe my own eyes are off as well? o_O
Yup, it's an ancient baby skull, captured for my friend Josh who is rather odd and likes that sort of thing.
There should be more tiles popping up when some of the checked out ones display, just haveta grab 'em.
Could you elaborate on constasts and edges? Maybe point to some examples? It doesn't look flat to me, so I'd like to see what you mean.