hi kids looking at my info page.
so, mmm... here's my blurb about me:
im an ee/cs major at bastardly mit. it tries to destroy me on a daily basis, but im learning more than i could ever imagine... on top of that, i work as a general purpose computer geek for the 'new media center' - im a web designer, graphic designer, content producer, network admin(its a small network)... the list keeps going!
and if i didnt have responsibilities, id just doodle all day. and do video stuff. ive painted with watercolors for several years... other media here and there. i started with video work and animation about a year ago, and i absolutely love it. video post-production is the bomb.
mmm, yeah. thats about it. and dont take me seriously. i giggle at life... unless im cranky, then i flip it off.

oh look, its me!