ive only seen 3 of your tiles so far but i like them very much!
I dig your style.
for some strange reason, your tiles remind me of fidgit...
Re: hm
damnit. i created this 2nd account and tried to do some different styles and stuff. but i seem to be too clumsy to keep my secrets. blub blub blub... b0b
Re: Re: hm
you cant hide your handwriting...
shouldnt have given you the coin... i thought youre new here, a coin would perhabst raise your motivation. the tile deserves it nevertheless.
perhabst i will open a new account too...wonder if you will find out ;)
shouldnt have given you the coin... i thought youre new here, a coin would perhabst raise your motivation. the tile deserves it nevertheless.
perhabst i will open a new account too...wonder if you will find out ;)
is this..
...really you fidg??
if so, then get your butt over to wrestling quilt and add action to tile XD hahahaha
if so, then get your butt over to wrestling quilt and add action to tile XD hahahaha
try to vote on your fav tiles with this account
because for now...
because for now...