Although I recognize what appears to be the pistil and stamen of a flower, I was curious as to what particular variety of flower appears within your manipulation of what almost passes as a photograph? The yellow mass is most certainly an "eye catcher" out here within the subtle and muted field of distinct imagery. I've been an afficionado of botany and horticulture for all of my natural born life but this variety seems to elude me. Will you shed some sunshine upon the image and perhaps enlighten me? Thank you John, your touch is as always,inimitable. Kind thoughts, Eddie M.
This tile is from We are all being photomanipulated!
Tile Info

By: jmaguire123
Checked out at: November 03, 2001
Checked in at: November 03, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
Of what botanical hailing?
Re: Of what botanical hailing?
Tulip maybe? Dunno.. I guess whatever you see is what it is..