I've studied this pic for a while and after a while a sort of recognized the blue lamp/ladder thing up there on the top! So I started looking among my tiles and found a tile named Surreal Vacation well, enough about that false step of tile but above Surreal vacation I found a tile made by you and had alomst the same sort of lamp/ladder thing (http://tiles.ice.org/tile_info_surreal.php?quilt_id=40&tile_id=7986), did you do this on purpose or was it unconsious or isn't at all like the other tile? And I also wonder what is the orginal picture in this, I like this one a lot I gave it a 5 the moment I saw it and I would still give it a 5. See you later
This tile is from We are all being photomanipulated!
Tile Info

'''''greg (greg)'''''''''''
By: greg
Checked out at: November 11, 2001
Checked in at: November 11, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
Re: Lamp/Ladder
hey straxz!
I can see the similarities you speak of , but I didn't really do it intentionally..the picture linked; I just kinda cloned (I think the clone tool is what's making them look close) some of eddies tile from above, drew in som more, cloned some more, etcc....the picture above is mostly taken from a screenshot of the opening credits of the twin peaks tv show; the little dude is a screenshot from a movie I forget the name of; and then the lamp/ladder actually now that I think of it , does not ring a bell..I have no idea where I got it...I think I was going for a glass dome/wall kind of thing. anyway, I appreciate the remarks and your attention to detail :) I look forward to seeing how things progress on the mainquilt, I noticed you've checked out some tiles. I don't think I got any adjacent ones so far, but overall the quilt I think will be interesting. I wonder if it will turn out something other than a square ; if you know what i mean ;)
see ya,
I can see the similarities you speak of , but I didn't really do it intentionally..the picture linked; I just kinda cloned (I think the clone tool is what's making them look close) some of eddies tile from above, drew in som more, cloned some more, etcc....the picture above is mostly taken from a screenshot of the opening credits of the twin peaks tv show; the little dude is a screenshot from a movie I forget the name of; and then the lamp/ladder actually now that I think of it , does not ring a bell..I have no idea where I got it...I think I was going for a glass dome/wall kind of thing. anyway, I appreciate the remarks and your attention to detail :) I look forward to seeing how things progress on the mainquilt, I noticed you've checked out some tiles. I don't think I got any adjacent ones so far, but overall the quilt I think will be interesting. I wonder if it will turn out something other than a square ; if you know what i mean ;)
see ya,