This tile is from We are all being photomanipulated!
Tile Info

no comment
By: LongIslandEddie
Checked out at: October 23, 2001
Checked in at: October 23, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
thass beautiful eddie. I mean , totally fuct. I mean it. I can't believe it. it's apporopiate. I love it
i apreciate your work a lot
but i don't like this tile in context
*see ya later
but i don't like this tile in context
*see ya later
Greg and Jito
Thanks guys, but I absolutely abhor this tile! The color is off and I twisted the facial pose and the effect backfired on me. Thank you both for dabbing my wounds and it's good to hear from you. This place satisfies my need for everything from bitmaps to social encounter and I wouldn't trade a moment of it for all of the toys at McDonalds! I would like to see a bit more progress on the warm fuzzy quilt so you fellows should get to rattling your hocks before you get the teacher's ruler across the knuckles on your mousing hand! Well, I'll cruise out of here before some moron shows up and tells me that I've written too much or too deeply for him to follow. I certainly want to tell you both that you're doing a great job here and you can be sure that your thoughts are appreciated! Fond wishes.........Eddie M.