I guess I am a fan of yours, cus 90% of all the tiles that catch my eye are yours!
Anywho, I really like this one, even though the edges are plain, but the image is so beautiful. It has such a strong narrative to it. And I thought you said you couldn't draw.
What did you do before you were removed from your last employment?
This tile is from Return of the Mainquilters
Tile Info

Man of LaManhole
By: LongIslandEddie
Checked out at: September 28, 2001
Checked in at: September 28, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
You again!
Re: Yes, me again...
Hi Ken
Thank you for your interest in my artwork. I was being sincere when I said that I do not feel the slightest bit capable of hand drawing my own images and making them presentable. In the study at hand (this tile), here are the considerations that were made, in arriving at this simple tile: I recognized the smallest tip of the upper right hand of the incoming(caddy-corner) border as a tile that I had created and once it was identified, I looked to see if the field of stars that came with my single tile border, was really there on the quilt, precisely where I counted on it to be! I opened a new file, black background and set the limits for 256x256 pixels in order to place the first tile that I had done, alongside of the one that I was about to do. I decided to take the shape of the uppermost cloud, complete with blue sphere and clone it into the midfield of the new tile area. If you can see the vague shape of that cloud, you will be able to detect it's geometry in the new tile. I changed the mass to a blue caste and using the smudge tool, shaped it into the facelike focal point that it became. Because the tile looked too plain without the addition of the sewer grate that was fudged in above him, I found an image of some grating in my library, something in a latticy look and clipped out an elliptical, manholish sort of representation and after sizing it down, pasted into my tile. The rest was and is, as you see it to be. Perhaps I should have left some distinct possibilities for others to work with at the three borders and here, in retrospect, I do feel as if I've made another's job, more difficult than it might have been. As to my last employment, I was and still remain , a designer of things, mechanical. My affinity to the computer comes from the engineering that I do in conjunction with my former design responsibilities.
I think that the appropriate term is "Laid-Off" from my job rather than "removed" as like, dropped a net over and forcibly extracted! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to rant and I certainly hope that my appology for the last asshole maneuver of mine, was accepted. It's good to hear from you Ken, and except for those occasional slips of mine which bespeak all of the tact of a bipolar neanderthal, I am honored to have your attention as well as your encouragement... Thank you Ken...........Eddie M.
P.S. The seemingly low scores on this tile are not a reflection upon my skill with the mouse but rather, a testament to my often, wise-ass sarcasm and bristly behavior. As I once mentioned, that which goes around, comes around...
Thank you for your interest in my artwork. I was being sincere when I said that I do not feel the slightest bit capable of hand drawing my own images and making them presentable. In the study at hand (this tile), here are the considerations that were made, in arriving at this simple tile: I recognized the smallest tip of the upper right hand of the incoming(caddy-corner) border as a tile that I had created and once it was identified, I looked to see if the field of stars that came with my single tile border, was really there on the quilt, precisely where I counted on it to be! I opened a new file, black background and set the limits for 256x256 pixels in order to place the first tile that I had done, alongside of the one that I was about to do. I decided to take the shape of the uppermost cloud, complete with blue sphere and clone it into the midfield of the new tile area. If you can see the vague shape of that cloud, you will be able to detect it's geometry in the new tile. I changed the mass to a blue caste and using the smudge tool, shaped it into the facelike focal point that it became. Because the tile looked too plain without the addition of the sewer grate that was fudged in above him, I found an image of some grating in my library, something in a latticy look and clipped out an elliptical, manholish sort of representation and after sizing it down, pasted into my tile. The rest was and is, as you see it to be. Perhaps I should have left some distinct possibilities for others to work with at the three borders and here, in retrospect, I do feel as if I've made another's job, more difficult than it might have been. As to my last employment, I was and still remain , a designer of things, mechanical. My affinity to the computer comes from the engineering that I do in conjunction with my former design responsibilities.
I think that the appropriate term is "Laid-Off" from my job rather than "removed" as like, dropped a net over and forcibly extracted! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to rant and I certainly hope that my appology for the last asshole maneuver of mine, was accepted. It's good to hear from you Ken, and except for those occasional slips of mine which bespeak all of the tact of a bipolar neanderthal, I am honored to have your attention as well as your encouragement... Thank you Ken...........Eddie M.
P.S. The seemingly low scores on this tile are not a reflection upon my skill with the mouse but rather, a testament to my often, wise-ass sarcasm and bristly behavior. As I once mentioned, that which goes around, comes around...
IHe looks neat
it looks to me like he 's on TV. de-interlaced, kinda?