Talk about conincidence! Those two water streams lined up perfectly across those 2 tiles, very strange. Unless of course, there is a bug lurking here somewhere :)
Very nice fountain too :D
This tile is from Labyrinth
Tile Info

The Fountain - version 2.0
By: feathre
Checked out at: September 10, 2001
Checked in at: September 10, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
Re: Woah...
I have a feeling the tile to the right was created after this one... the "2.0" is an indication she was allowed to check it out again and rework it.
Re: Re: Woah...
This was my tile with the brightness problem ~ you can sort of tell that the right side is lighter than the left, but I don't think it detracts. When this tile was re-checked out to me, I had been staring at the original for days wishing I could fix those little things that bugged me so much... The only things I changed were the contrasts and hues of a few places, plus I added the moss and touched up the mist and stairs. Otherwise nothing was changed :)