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This tile is from For Newbies II: The Revenge of the Newbies

Comment: blend over
Checked out at: August 25, 2001
Checked in at: August 25, 2001
Checkout tile:


that's the idea!!! now do more :) like bsumner said..your artwork really is amazing...tons of detail and imagination, really great stuff. you're finally getting the hang of this tile/quilt thing. YAY!!! keep it up, k?


That's the spirit, man! Keep it up!

Re: Success!
Well, I'm totally humble in my thanks for your encouragement, (to both of you above and a few others which I've stumbled across). I posted a response to Root88's query, as to the possibility of my intentionally "screwing up" the quilt(s) and if you're following my problems here on ICE, I invite you to browse my assurance to him, that I am not doing this beyond my learning curve. I've found the work on these quilts, much more worthy of positive input than to set about sabotaging the work of others.Yes, I may look obstinately awkward in my inability to find the quality of consistancy that makes a great tiler, but the effort that I put into generating enough work to get a handle on the tenets of tiling, surely must speak something for my enthusiasm. Trust me to say that I am looking forward to making myself worthy of some of the greater collaborations which I see so well presented at ICE. and wouldn't I be a FOOL to pass up the chance to learn from the people here at ICE! Again, thank you for your encouragement. Ed Martin