i am so happy to have check the tile
and had blended on yours.
Our tiles are going to make a real change on the quilt
5+ or 99999 if i could
This tile is from Going on a Train Ride [Flash Interface]
Tile Info

When all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils.
By: empyrean
Checked out at: August 07, 2001
Checked in at: August 08, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
I like the tile, but the birds... they're sort of cartoony? I know it's a common way to draw them when they're off in the distance, but they look pretty big and close here... they need to be a little thicker, and remember, the wing has two joints in it like your arm does... Maybe get some photographic reference next time? :) You seem to use photographic reference in quite a few of your other tiles...
Re: Birds...
Hey, thanks for the comment. I agree about the birds. They were a very late-night addition that I never liked.
I mailed a replacement tile minus the birds to the quilt admin shortly after I submitted this. I later read the comment about having non-static objects. If the birds are the only thing you weren't happy with, then that makes me glad.
That's an interesting comment about photo-reference - this is the only tile that I've used it on so far, though I pay a lot of attention to the details in photos (and real life) that I look at during other times. I think what's more important for me is observing how other artists translate reality in their paintings. I am still trying to incorporate as much of that into my work as possible while working on my own style.
Anyway, Taking note of fine details is something I'm still training myself to do. On this one I found a nice picture of daffodils http://www.gaygardener.com/photos/flower7/pages/daff-1o.htm
I'd never painted flowers before, so I had fun with this tile. =)
Hey, thanks for the comment. I agree about the birds. They were a very late-night addition that I never liked.
I mailed a replacement tile minus the birds to the quilt admin shortly after I submitted this. I later read the comment about having non-static objects. If the birds are the only thing you weren't happy with, then that makes me glad.
That's an interesting comment about photo-reference - this is the only tile that I've used it on so far, though I pay a lot of attention to the details in photos (and real life) that I look at during other times. I think what's more important for me is observing how other artists translate reality in their paintings. I am still trying to incorporate as much of that into my work as possible while working on my own style.
Anyway, Taking note of fine details is something I'm still training myself to do. On this one I found a nice picture of daffodils http://www.gaygardener.com/photos/flower7/pages/daff-1o.htm
I'd never painted flowers before, so I had fun with this tile. =)
Re: Re: Birds...
Ah, I take that back. I looked at a photo of Bob for his portrait tile. =)
Re: Re: Birds...
"If the birds are the only thing you
weren't happy with, then that makes me glad."
Well, I'll tell the truth, (I have a tendancy
to be brutally honest at times) ... I wasn't
going to mention the waves, because they're okay,
not near as out of place as the birds, but they just
seem like they could use a little touching
up... So I am slightly displeased
with the waves, but I like how you've changed the
theme of the quilt, and the overall tile. I had
fun with the tile next to yours. ;)
weren't happy with, then that makes me glad."
Well, I'll tell the truth, (I have a tendancy
to be brutally honest at times) ... I wasn't
going to mention the waves, because they're okay,
not near as out of place as the birds, but they just
seem like they could use a little touching
up... So I am slightly displeased
with the waves, but I like how you've changed the
theme of the quilt, and the overall tile. I had
fun with the tile next to yours. ;)
Re: Re: Re: Birds...
That's cool. I'm never happy with my pieces, either. That's what drives me to improve. So, how would you paint the waves? I'd love to see that since I'm always looking to learn. Like flowers, I'd never painted waves before either. Thanks for the help, I enjoy critiques! =)
That's cool. I'm never happy with my pieces, either. That's what drives me to improve. So, how would you paint the waves? I'd love to see that since I'm always looking to learn. Like flowers, I'd never painted waves before either. Thanks for the help, I enjoy critiques! =)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Birds...
You'll find out how I paint them when the next tile comes in... should be pretty soon. Can't wait... :)