This tile is from For Newbies II: The Revenge of the Newbies
Tile Info

Great Googly Moogly!
By: antaydos
Checked out at: August 03, 2001
Checked in at: August 03, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
Major suckage
This just plain sucks. :)
I know you can do better
It looks like you have talent, but what happened here doesn't really show it too well...
I'd suggest that by simplifying the concept and focusing on one thing, you might be able to design more effective tiles.
You clearly have your blending down well! I hope to see more tiles from you in the future.
I'd suggest that by simplifying the concept and focusing on one thing, you might be able to design more effective tiles.
You clearly have your blending down well! I hope to see more tiles from you in the future.