ah yes, I like how that candle worked out.
I've noticed that on my last two tiles, my orange and red blends were less saturated than the objects I was blending with. :\ ..doh
This tile is from Mainquilters Unite!
Tile Info

..my dog ate my comment.
By: sage
Checked out at: April 29, 2001
Checked in at: April 30, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
Re: hmm
Great job blending this 4 sided tile.
I'm to the right and to the bottom of this one (and below your little pink, sharp-toothed guy as well it seems). Nicely done.
Yea, the tile sure is great!! but it´s kinda wack to continue on your own tile, well, almost your own tile, it´s not so hard to make it flow if you know what it´s supposed to be... :)
peace out / ize..
peace out / ize..
Re: Wack!
I dunno. I didn't really use any elements from my other tile. And even though I was blending twice from Essobie's tile, it's not like I knew what was in it.
Re: Re: Wack!
No..but I was only referring to your tile the one in the top left corner.. :) your tile rocks! great work!