This tile is from Mainquilters Unite!
Tile Info

hyperspeed train
By: takkie
Checked out at: April 19, 2001
Checked in at: April 19, 2001
Checkout tile:
In Context
I'm quite curious about the tile on my left, I don't think he/she painted some rail and the tail of a supersonic train :)
Re: curious
stage left?
nice tile.
nice tile.
Re: Re: curious
sorry, right ;)
be suprised :)
... I didn't get the size of your front wheel right; the arcs I drew *looked* right, based on what I could see. =)
Not what I was expecting, when I checked the tile below out -- 'I bet this is some kind of snow scene -- look at all the whites and blues. I should do some snow stuff, too!' =)
Not what I was expecting, when I checked the tile below out -- 'I bet this is some kind of snow scene -- look at all the whites and blues. I should do some snow stuff, too!' =)
Re: sorry
You made the wheel exactly the same size as I did, I just made it to small ;) so now it's a hyperspeed train taking off :)
I love it!
Hehe, the snowman's looking up at the hyperspeed train and he's smiling and all happy =) The feel good tiles of the year, I say! =)
Daniel My Brother...
Daniel's leaving tonight on a hyperspeed train.
I can see the red tile lights, heading for Spai-ai-aiain.
I can see the red tile lights, heading for Spai-ai-aiain.