This tile is from Newbies 30: Ok Then... How About Anime?
Tile Info

Comment: Hi...I don't know who will read this, but this is my first panel. I've been active on other sites (most recently, I had a spaceship fleeing the scene in another layer but left it out at the last minute, because I thought the panel was too cluttery already.
By: jacob
Checked out at: November 30, 2003
Checked in at: November 30, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
Hi Jacob
I saw ecorpse in your title and realized I knew who you are! It's good to see you over here too! :-)
Re: Hi Jacob
Thanks, Christine - your link led me here!
Here we go again with the -5 votes.
This time, it really is personal...
And now -2.
I wouldn't care at all if it didn't impact my score toward participating in future mainquilters quilts, or if the person were providing constructive criticism.
Re: And now -2.
I'm guessing the single new "1" vote is also the same person?
Re: Re: And now -2.
People can only vote once. If they vote a second time, it changes their previous vote. But this tile is most definitely not worth anything less than a 2.
Re: Re: Re: And now -2.
Thanks! I guess I just have to assume that some other newbie out there wants me to keep doing newbie quilts. They must love my stuff!
Re: Re: Re: Re: And now -2.
Maybe they feel they need you... haha
You'll get into MQ's soon. I forgot to look at how many tiles you've done so far. I swear I was on the newb quilts for ages, it took me a while to get the hang of it. But then, I checked in a few really shitty tiles too! :-0
You'll get into MQ's soon. I forgot to look at how many tiles you've done so far. I swear I was on the newb quilts for ages, it took me a while to get the hang of it. But then, I checked in a few really shitty tiles too! :-0