This tile is from Mainquilters 26: I, Robot
Tile Info

Comment: only a robot named jens dares - to eat those bizarre tasting lens flares...
By: fidgit
Checked out at: October 30, 2003
Checked in at: October 30, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
cool title
nice rhyme :D
two points?...bohooo..sob sob...dontyoulikejens??snf...snf.. 't even has ..snfff.. specialefx...snnnnf
Re: booohoo...snn..snn..
dont worry, fidge.
not everybody understands the genious style of this tile... perhabst its simply too complex for some people here!
not everybody understands the genious style of this tile... perhabst its simply too complex for some people here!