It is very obvious you flipped the face. This has two very big problems.
1) The lightning becomes wrong. Under her cheek, you can guess she is lighted from the top-left, thus, on your side, the shadow should have continues down her throat.
2) You learn absolutely nothing. If you try to imitate the style, you learn a great deal more. Learn from your borders.
This tile is from Newbies 21: Trying to Rope a Rutabaga
Tile Info

Comment: she's shy
Checked out at: January 10, 2003
Checked in at: January 10, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
the flip
Re: the flip
primal's right. is a great place to increase your artistic skills, particularly in the digital format. I know I'm forever in debt to this place for the invaluable experience provided. hehe, I sound like a robot.