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This tile is from Newbies 21: Trying to Rope a Rutabaga

Comment: she's shy
Checked out at: January 10, 2003
Checked in at: January 10, 2003
Checkout tile:


the flip
It is very obvious you flipped the face. This has two very big problems.

1) The lightning becomes wrong. Under her cheek, you can guess she is lighted from the top-left, thus, on your side, the shadow should have continues down her throat.

2) You learn absolutely nothing. If you try to imitate the style, you learn a great deal more. Learn from your borders.
Re: the flip
primal's right. tiles.ice.org is a great place to increase your artistic skills, particularly in the digital format. I know I'm forever in debt to this place for the invaluable experience provided. hehe, I sound like a robot.