Wanna know why no one has even commented on this KICK ASS PICTURE??
CAUSE ITS NOT YOURS!@!@^%$@%$!!!!!!!!??
If you cant do better artwork, dont fܩk@N Steal someone else`s artwork.
Improve your artwork so you can really feel good about making something better, not just making something to take get a point or 2. Go draw on the walls of the newbyquilt for a bit, and when you feel you are ready to really add something to the mainquilt, do so.
Please dont mess it up for everyone else.
This tile is from Newbies 21: Trying to Rope a Rutabaga
Tile Info

Comment: no boarders
Checked out at: January 08, 2003
Checked in at: January 08, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
look here little miss pissed off we all know your someone who is jealous and a hater cause you can't do anything your self otherwise why create a name and just hate on peoples art work. i did do this pic and i'm sorry you don't believe it but i whis you would chill the hell out. nockin peoples score down just cause your a hater. lets see some of your art work. little punka pissed off
i made this pic and yes i used some filters i thought why not have some fun with the non boarder tile. i can send you the photoshop file in layers if ya like. now get the stick outa your @ss and go home
it just blows my mind that you would even suggest that i stole this pic.
i guess ignorance isn't bliss. it just seems to make you way pissed off
i made this pic and yes i used some filters i thought why not have some fun with the non boarder tile. i can send you the photoshop file in layers if ya like. now get the stick outa your @ss and go home
it just blows my mind that you would even suggest that i stole this pic.
i guess ignorance isn't bliss. it just seems to make you way pissed off
I would think that with an accusation like that, you could at least show proof to back it up. I was almost expecting you to do just that, but since you didn't, I'll take it as simply an assumption on your part in order to show off your assholery.
Every tile this artest had done has been a learning experience, I grant you that. But look at all the tiles before this one.
Photo manipulation or smudged or basic filters only.
Now, all of a sudden, this tile looks as though someone spend 24hrs making a masterpiece! Is it coincidence that will all four borders blank, (with nothing to have to blend to) that a PERFECT tile is made? If this persons artisitc caliber is so high, why did he not show us this in all fo the rest of the tiles prior to this one?
Look at the previous tiles, then at this one. Is ther ANYTHING that would leade you to think that this is the same person? Style is completly different!
And moon, If you really have the layored psd file, please prove me wrong!
The fact is you dont have it, or you would have posted it.
Photo manipulation or smudged or basic filters only.
Now, all of a sudden, this tile looks as though someone spend 24hrs making a masterpiece! Is it coincidence that will all four borders blank, (with nothing to have to blend to) that a PERFECT tile is made? If this persons artisitc caliber is so high, why did he not show us this in all fo the rest of the tiles prior to this one?
Look at the previous tiles, then at this one. Is ther ANYTHING that would leade you to think that this is the same person? Style is completly different!
And moon, If you really have the layored psd file, please prove me wrong!
The fact is you dont have it, or you would have posted it.
Re: proof
Well I can see where you're coming from, in a linear sort of way, but if you look through other artist's tiles then you can see how talent and style can vary greatly. Better tiles will evolve (hopefully) as experience is gained. A few lessons learned along the way will also help to improve quality.
And yes, I can see how someone making a tile without any borders to start with might put out a better tile. No blends to worry about, no styles to try and match. A blank canvas might inspire someone more than trying to follow someone elses lead.
But come on, these are newbie tiles on a newbie quilt. Being a critic is one thing, but have you heard of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism? How great is your work? And why are you not posting under your usual nick? Chickenshit. :-P
And yes, I can see how someone making a tile without any borders to start with might put out a better tile. No blends to worry about, no styles to try and match. A blank canvas might inspire someone more than trying to follow someone elses lead.
But come on, these are newbie tiles on a newbie quilt. Being a critic is one thing, but have you heard of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism? How great is your work? And why are you not posting under your usual nick? Chickenshit. :-P
Re: Re: proof
OK, I agree that the newby quilt it for fun!
I have a question for you though. lest say you made some tiles on the main quilt, and someone comes into tiles and gets enough points on there first quilt to post on main quilt. Now you have spent you time making a masterpeice and so has almost everyone else, and your looking forward to seeing a completed master quilt. ...
Here comes someone that is cranking out tiles like like theres no tomarrow. There not makeing them to improve there artwork, or to try and make something good, but just to be posting pictures. Thats all good and well, but do you wnat someone thats not going to add to the artistie nature of a main quilt? I say NO!
Some people are having fun, and yea I love that. But i dont see how you can let someonejust slide buy makeing 20 2 or less point tiles get into a mainquilt or higher.
I hope you will agree that each tiler that posts into the mainquilt should be at a level that will add to the quality of that quilt. You dont want your hard work ruined by someone thats "just having fun". Neither do I. If your here jsut to enjoy the act of making a picture, and you are not worried about making a good picture, then you should stay on the newbyquilt or we should make a new level of quilt that is designed for people that are not at the level that the mainwuilt is. Moon is having fun and I love that. Still I know that the qualituy of moons work is not at the same level that msot fo the mainquilters are.
I this its a shame that someone can come in and make 25 tiles at a 1 score and be auto accepted into the mainquilt. Case in point, moon.
Moon, your work is improving, but that dose not mean that you can do the same quality work on a mainquilt that you have been doing on the newbyquilts. And jsut beacouse you took someone elses picture and posted it to a tile dose not make you any better or even at the level of a mainquilter. Please, if you want to add to the higher level quilts, make higher level tiles!
We all want to have fun, but at the same time everyone wants to have a good finished product. And if you were to post all but this tile on a mainquilt, you would have it deleted.
One out of 17. Lets see. Thats 1/17 a chance of making a good addition to a mainquilt, and 17/1 chance of massing up a mainquilt. Im not a betting man, but I really dont like thoese odds.
Moon, if all you want to do is make tiles and you are really not worried about the quilt than the newbyquilt is where you should stay. If you really want to add on to a masterpeice quilt then start learning. Lysten to what we post, and try to make a better tile each time. I would love to see you add to the mainquilts. But first you have to look at the mainquilt and ask youreslf, "can I really add to this quilt, or will it take away from it?"
A quilt is ONLY as good as its lowest quality tile.
Would you ask Esher if you could draw on one of his pictures?
I would.
Now, everyone is saying that im just an asshole thats got nothing better to do, but I think that what im saying is what most people are thinking and dont care enough about ice to post it. Yes Im staying behind this faulse name to protect myself from people geting mad and trashing my stuff, but if these people care about ICE like I do, they will start showing it, and I wont ever have to post again with this handle.
Who am I?
I am pissed off
I have a question for you though. lest say you made some tiles on the main quilt, and someone comes into tiles and gets enough points on there first quilt to post on main quilt. Now you have spent you time making a masterpeice and so has almost everyone else, and your looking forward to seeing a completed master quilt. ...
Here comes someone that is cranking out tiles like like theres no tomarrow. There not makeing them to improve there artwork, or to try and make something good, but just to be posting pictures. Thats all good and well, but do you wnat someone thats not going to add to the artistie nature of a main quilt? I say NO!
Some people are having fun, and yea I love that. But i dont see how you can let someonejust slide buy makeing 20 2 or less point tiles get into a mainquilt or higher.
I hope you will agree that each tiler that posts into the mainquilt should be at a level that will add to the quality of that quilt. You dont want your hard work ruined by someone thats "just having fun". Neither do I. If your here jsut to enjoy the act of making a picture, and you are not worried about making a good picture, then you should stay on the newbyquilt or we should make a new level of quilt that is designed for people that are not at the level that the mainwuilt is. Moon is having fun and I love that. Still I know that the qualituy of moons work is not at the same level that msot fo the mainquilters are.
I this its a shame that someone can come in and make 25 tiles at a 1 score and be auto accepted into the mainquilt. Case in point, moon.
Moon, your work is improving, but that dose not mean that you can do the same quality work on a mainquilt that you have been doing on the newbyquilts. And jsut beacouse you took someone elses picture and posted it to a tile dose not make you any better or even at the level of a mainquilter. Please, if you want to add to the higher level quilts, make higher level tiles!
We all want to have fun, but at the same time everyone wants to have a good finished product. And if you were to post all but this tile on a mainquilt, you would have it deleted.
One out of 17. Lets see. Thats 1/17 a chance of making a good addition to a mainquilt, and 17/1 chance of massing up a mainquilt. Im not a betting man, but I really dont like thoese odds.
Moon, if all you want to do is make tiles and you are really not worried about the quilt than the newbyquilt is where you should stay. If you really want to add on to a masterpeice quilt then start learning. Lysten to what we post, and try to make a better tile each time. I would love to see you add to the mainquilts. But first you have to look at the mainquilt and ask youreslf, "can I really add to this quilt, or will it take away from it?"
A quilt is ONLY as good as its lowest quality tile.
Would you ask Esher if you could draw on one of his pictures?
I would.
Now, everyone is saying that im just an asshole thats got nothing better to do, but I think that what im saying is what most people are thinking and dont care enough about ice to post it. Yes Im staying behind this faulse name to protect myself from people geting mad and trashing my stuff, but if these people care about ICE like I do, they will start showing it, and I wont ever have to post again with this handle.
Who am I?
I am pissed off
I have to agree to the whole text!
And well, i agree to the point, this tile is not out of your hands, moon, .. i look at this newb-quilt sometimes and today i thought "uhm, this is the best tile by far in this quilt - the first without anything of those ugly "grey-smudge" look.
And if i would believe in God perhaps i would believe its yours, but i do not.
And if i would believe in God perhaps i would believe its yours, but i do not.
Re: Re: Re: proof
Seems to me I've heard this same argument before...
And Re: "I have a question for you though. lest say you made some tiles on the main quilt, and someone comes into tiles and gets enough points on there first quilt to post on main quilt. Now you have spent you time making a masterpeice and so has almost everyone else, and your looking forward to seeing a completed master quilt. ..."
I wouldn't shed a tear. I also wouldn't flip-out like a 2 year old. Better to draw like one than to act like one. At least you're not bitching too much about the scores this time...
What's with all of the hypothetical worst case scenarios anyway? I'm sure it's already happened. Besides, mainquilting isn't where it's at anyway. That would be the Invites Only, ya know? The "important" quilts have admins to keep the screwballs out.
I still say it's chickenshit. :-)
And Re: "I have a question for you though. lest say you made some tiles on the main quilt, and someone comes into tiles and gets enough points on there first quilt to post on main quilt. Now you have spent you time making a masterpeice and so has almost everyone else, and your looking forward to seeing a completed master quilt. ..."
I wouldn't shed a tear. I also wouldn't flip-out like a 2 year old. Better to draw like one than to act like one. At least you're not bitching too much about the scores this time...
What's with all of the hypothetical worst case scenarios anyway? I'm sure it's already happened. Besides, mainquilting isn't where it's at anyway. That would be the Invites Only, ya know? The "important" quilts have admins to keep the screwballs out.
I still say it's chickenshit. :-)
Re: Re: Re: Re: proof
damn some of you people have no faith in anybody. it is my tile. and with no boarders it was easy. i do have the ps file but i don't know how i'm supposed to post it tell me how and i will. this is a very simple tile i don't claim to be a super painter in ps. it is merly some filters and layer styles. kpt fiber optics for background flaming pear flood for water, some paths stroked for wires, with bevel added for depth. cut off bottoms onto another layer and lower opacity for under water effect. so there ya have it a very simple tile no need to be a poser and steal other peoples work. and if ya don't beleive it well that's just to damn bad. cause it mine. deal with it.
thanks to those who beleive.
thanks to those who beleive.
Re: proof
none of my tiles are photo manip idiot.
also (see post below)
also (see post below)
Whats that? An admin/Moderator deleted those postings from pissedoff but he just say nothing to this problem? (i think, NetCritter is no Moderator)
Re: .
Nope, I'm not an admin, just a big mouth ;-)
I don't think the admins need to say anything when those posts were obviously inflamatory & broke the rules. Deleting the posts says it all.
I don't think the admins need to say anything when those posts were obviously inflamatory & broke the rules. Deleting the posts says it all.
Re: Re: .
I have to agree.
This is what It comes down too.
Pissed broke the rules so his/her posts were deleted.
This is not his board, so he has no right.
Admin administrate, with full athority, no questions about it!
Rule #3: No trolling
All 3 rules were broken, I mean come on,what do you expect but to have your stuff deleted. Only 3 rules, and all 3 were broken.
This is what It comes down too.
Pissed broke the rules so his/her posts were deleted.
This is not his board, so he has no right.
Admin administrate, with full athority, no questions about it!
Rule #3: No trolling
All 3 rules were broken, I mean come on,what do you expect but to have your stuff deleted. Only 3 rules, and all 3 were broken.
You are right`
It is the worst in someone that makes then do and say things like I have said. I was out of line, and I do apppologise, beacouse I am sorry.
Your artwork is improving adn what you did for the mainquilt was good.
I broke all 3 rules while you have done nothing but add to teh quilts that you have posted on. Why did I do this, even I am not sure of. Tiles and art should not be downgraded or supressed in ANY way.
Every tile you make, every mistake you make, and every perfect tile you post help not only you but others to learn and get better.
Was I out of line? Yes
Did I hurt tiles.ice.org with my comments? Yes
Am I an @$$hole? without a question, Yes
My appologise
Your artwork is improving adn what you did for the mainquilt was good.
I broke all 3 rules while you have done nothing but add to teh quilts that you have posted on. Why did I do this, even I am not sure of. Tiles and art should not be downgraded or supressed in ANY way.
Every tile you make, every mistake you make, and every perfect tile you post help not only you but others to learn and get better.
Was I out of line? Yes
Did I hurt tiles.ice.org with my comments? Yes
Am I an @$$hole? without a question, Yes
My appologise
Flaming is now allowed here: directed torward me, and I will reply if you want me to, in a non-hostile manner.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Re: PS
well that's a turn. well if it's sincere then glad to hear it.
and thanks for the compliment on the main quilt tile.
i'm trying to learn and every tile does help.
some i rush to much. and some are just crap
but sometimes i get in the zone and they work.
anyway glad to see ya got back on your medication ha ha : )
and thanks for the compliment on the main quilt tile.
i'm trying to learn and every tile does help.
some i rush to much. and some are just crap
but sometimes i get in the zone and they work.
anyway glad to see ya got back on your medication ha ha : )