This tile is from Newbies 21: Trying to Rope a Rutabaga
Tile Info

Comment: My first.
By: Duhreetoh
Checked out at: January 06, 2003
Checked in at: January 07, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
Good job!
I like it....realy good work.
Nice 1st !!
Very cool idea...a couple of questions for you--is the figure at the bottom a photo-manip or did you actually make that? What program(s) did you use?? It kinda looks like Bryce but i dunno...The top--I really dig your sky, but try to make it blend better with the border you were given next time. All in all great first tile! I can't wait to see more! :-)) BTW:cool name!Duhreetoh! ;-)
I like it a lot, but you seem to have ignored/forgotten the green smidge on the top left, and the I feel that the clouds appear too abruptly. The art otherwise is great. I had to give you a four.
Great tile!
I Hope to c more your tiles here
great first tile
wish my first one had turned out that well.
overall very good job but like someone else said clouds start to quickly.
but great pic
keep it up
overall very good job but like someone else said clouds start to quickly.
but great pic
keep it up
i hope your first...
...wont be the last. this is good. much atmosphere in that tiny square