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This tile is from You Are Invited to the Marriage of Vincent Van Gogh & Pablo Picasso

Comment: pablo's nude, shying away from vincent
Checked out at: December 27, 2002
Checked in at: December 27, 2002
Checkout tile:


green is...
my favorite[s]

cool colours [yeah, pun intended]
plus, it's a nekkid lady... i like it ;o)
Re: green is...
Thank you, I like those nekkid ladies, too [in art, not on every fucking magazine cover or ad though ;-) ]
At first I didn't even want her to pull at the covers, I was thinking more of a "Venus"-like figure (often cited, giorgione/tizian nudes were the first of the kind, I think). But then I had to integrate the red part and well, erotics are all about showing and conceiling after all.
The tile's got too much of the brown background, though. On second thought, I should have added a red cussion behind her on the left, leading out of the tile.
Besides, too bad I didn't continue gregs pants, should've seen it...
whoops, meant "cussion on the RIGHT"

I do that a lot when working at the computer, misusing left and right. Does that have to do with right and left brain hemispheres or just with my personal brain problems? ;-)
Re: typo
hahaha... me too

i don't even do left and right anymore... everything is either on my left or my 'other left' :o)