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This tile is from A Van Gogh Fall/Winter Landscape

Comment: wetting a line
Checked out at: December 10, 2002
Checked in at: December 10, 2002
Checkout tile:


Mike Hirst
Flow out the corner
A great majority of Van Gough's paintings force your eyes to exit (or enter) the painting through one (and only one) of the corners.

I love the positioning of the fishing pole and the fishing line: these lead my eyes out the corner allowing me to ponder what might be beyond (which is exactly what the fisherman is probably doing). But the direction of the water flow is totally wrong thus disrupting the the smoothness of the painting as a whole. I think the stream should be redirected 90 degrees and out the lower left corner so it parallels the fishing line.
Re: Flow out the corner
in hindsight i'd have to agree.