That's a hoot.... Pegleg Petunia! Good effort on this and the pegleg cracks me up :)
It would have helped if you had put a line of light on the edge of the wooden leg to separate it from the dark background. But the laugh alone is worth some points.
This tile is from Newbies 18: Our Improved Flavor Might Surprise You!
Tile Info

Comment: thats supposed to be a wooden leg...
By: AmazingLizard
Checked out at: November 22, 2002
Checked in at: November 23, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
Re: LoL!
Glad you like it!
I was in a real hurry with this one. I agree with your comment about the light, or something to separate the leg from the background, but alas, I was overdue on the tile :(
I'm surprised I interpreted the tile above mine right...I though I was being a bit twisted, making that into legs, but no...
I was in a real hurry with this one. I agree with your comment about the light, or something to separate the leg from the background, but alas, I was overdue on the tile :(
I'm surprised I interpreted the tile above mine right...I though I was being a bit twisted, making that into legs, but no...