thats not cool how you just duplicated the left border and repeated it as a background. bla. text in tiles is almost ALWAYS frowned upon.
btw, the movie that this is from is amazing! if anyone who is reading this has not seen the movie 'waking life', i HIGHLY encourage you to go out and get it. right now. ;)
This tile is from Newbies 17: The Social Lubricator of the Dream World
Tile Info

By: fffathom
Checked out at: October 12, 2002
Checked in at: October 13, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
sum critism
A good thing to know is that altering your borders doesn't do you any good. In fact, it only harms you. virtue1's also got a good point about using text. Ixnay on the exttay. ;) Also... isn't that shot directly from the movie? Did you draw that freehand or is it just pasted in?
First things first....
A smart tiler would reserve the text for a day when their accomplishments
have left space for the embellishment. For today, I think that to concentrate your efforts on the picture is work enough. Please don't let my comment discourage you but rather incite you to become so good at the picture that you reach out and enhance your creation with text, as meaningful and tasteful as you can present it. For lack of a pair of sunglasses, I might have thought that you were illustrating Ronnie Milsap.......
have left space for the embellishment. For today, I think that to concentrate your efforts on the picture is work enough. Please don't let my comment discourage you but rather incite you to become so good at the picture that you reach out and enhance your creation with text, as meaningful and tasteful as you can present it. For lack of a pair of sunglasses, I might have thought that you were illustrating Ronnie Milsap.......