This tile is from Newbies 15: He Looks Just Like His Father
Tile Info

By: PoorAmbition
Checked out at: August 18, 2002
Checked in at: August 18, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
It's unfortunate that the colors got screwed up. Without taking the images into photoshop I can't really compare and find out what happened, but the checkin tile was blended properly. PoorAmbition, if you caused that you should figure out what happened because it's not a bad tile but it ended up with bad edges. Too bad!
Re: Colors
Dunno why the colours got mess up, guess it just happened
Re: Re: Colors
check-in tile looks right
did you blend over the borders?
did you blend over the borders?
Re: Re: Re: Colors
I'm pretty sure I didn't, but this was my frist tile, and I might have done it differently from the others. Normally I stick the checkout tile on its own layer and draw on the layer below that. May have blended the borders though.