This tile is from Newbies 15: He Looks Just Like His Father
Tile Info

Comment: Ým sorry, its a bit blurry: I had to dý it in a rush
By: the Curs'ed
Checked out at: August 11, 2002
Checked in at: August 11, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
out of time?
This is a very well blended tile. You had 19 hours left, why did you send it in so early? It works well with the quilt, but for me, everytime I send in something that I am not 100% happy with, I hate it more and more everytime I see it. I'm not trying to knock your artwork, but if you aren't happy with it today, you will be much less happy with it a year from now when your skills are even better. iCE has been around for a decade now and I don't see any reason why it won't be around for another. I love to see my tiles and how they improve, but if I know that I can do better, it isn't a good marker for that point in time. Before you post something, realize that we get thousands of hits per day and when your tile exhists for a thousand days (<3 years), that is over 1,000,000 views! Always take pride in your work.
Re: out of time?
I dont have acces to the internet for very long periods, I may be online but that is not my free time... I come home late and spend my last awake hours in front of the comp helping my father -I draw or have fun in the break times(5-10 min:( ...then I fall asleep