This tile is from Spreequilt#5 - SpreeSpreeSpree
Tile Info

Comment: Creatures
By: root88
Checked out at: July 07, 2002
Checked in at: July 07, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
nice tile root
flows so well!
If I could vote on it I'd give it a 5
-Yepo I sure would :D
Re: If I could vote on it I'd give it a 5
You can't vote? ... I tought I set the voting limit low... odd...
Thanks all!
2 person quilt
Raganaga, I would love to do a 2 person quilt with greg. He is currently working on one with PrimalR though. We could do one together if you like. I would like to do a two person quilt with Gecky, Jito or TonchyZ too.
Re: 2 person quilt
yeah me too
more collabbos!
more collabbos!
Re: 2 person quilt
Really? I should make you finish my journal quilt. ;)
Re: Re: 2 person quilt
nonononono give us the chance to see your inner universe more deeply