This tile is from Newbies 11: No Black Borders!
Tile Info

Comment: The Scout
By: watchitman
Checked out at: April 19, 2002
Checked in at: April 20, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
good work
really good work.. this is what it's all about
good work!!!
Can anyone explain to me, why the checkin tile is darker than it is in the quilt?
Re: good work!!!
that's happened to me like a trillion times (or actually, probably exactly 100 times). I think it's internet explorers way to display png's made from Photoshop (5.0?) that's somewhat off... In the quilt however, the code has converted the png's to jpg and thus, it's all good...
Re: Re: good work!!!
I don´t use the png format, so it never happened to me....thanks for the answer btw;)
Re: Re: Re: good work!!!
heh. förutom att jag var lite sen om man kollar på datumet =)