This tile is from Newbies 11: No Black Borders!
Tile Info

Comment: This is frgie's tile, I loaded it for her because she's having problems with the site telling her she's a haker when she tries...poor baby, she's such a sweet child.
By: BluJeann
Checked out at: April 12, 2002
Checked in at: April 12, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
I had a feeling it was going to pixalate the tile by changing it to a jpg quality 10.
Re: uuuuuuhhg
Huh? Why did you save it as jpg 10%? Save it at 100% or use PNG.. I can recheck it for you if you want.
:( sad day.....
That upsets me, this tile looked really good, prolly 1 of my best, and now it looks poopy. Sad day.........2 bad no1 can c what it really looks like, cuz its all blury and pixelated.
=( I can see what it would have looked like.. is it at all possible to get the .png/75+ .jpg to an admin so they can switch it? I think ya did a good job bringing together the different tiles..