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This tile is from Abstract Detail

Checked out at: March 04, 2001
Checked in at: March 04, 2001
Checkout tile:


OK, everybody....
Personally, I think, that _this_ very special tile isn't too bad. You must admit that the blending is quite good, except for the right top corner, but that wasn't in my drawing area anyway. All the adjacent 3 tiles were given, when I checked it out, so the blending was all done by me.
I admit there are low percentage of tiles by me which people could consider not so well done, but _this_ tile is definitely not one of these.
So why does that very special tile get such bad "marks"? I don't think it's because of it's quality. I'd rather think it's because there two guys which are just jealous, because they can't spend as much time on tiles as i can or are just ... (i don't want to use any bad language here, so use your imagination *g*). So they seek out all my tiles and cast a -5 on each without even looking at it.
Does anybody here think that's fair? Especially, because I could check out tiles from the new quilt before that action and now I can't any more, because of a lack of score.

Re: OK, everybody....
Well let's think of a good solution that really solves the problem.

A big issue for me is that allowing people to vote on tiles that were drawn awhile ago is tough, since artists had no idea they would be voted on.

I can stop people from voting on tiles earlier than a certain date. I can also create a new quilt for people who can't check a tile out from this one.

Do we want "outsiders" to be able to vote on tiles from a quilt? I.e. should the people with low scores be able to vote on tiles from the "All Stars" quilt? What do you guys think? On one hand, if someone gets a grudge, there's really nothing I can do to stop them from being vindictive. On the other hand, if only the struggling artists vote on each other, that will have its own set of ugly politics.

What do you guys think is a good solution?

Re: Re: OK, everybody....
The point system is good I think except for the fact it gives everyone the power in picking on someone because he or she has a grudge on that person. I do not have a grudge on willmeyer I just thought he didn't give a **** about the project and tried to ruin it so I openly criticised him. I must admit not all of willmeyers tiles are bad but the latest ones are.

Back to the general issue, I think you should change the way there can be voted, with each vote people MUST add comment on why they voted for that number and giving their number next to the post. This raises the the threshold on voting but it will be more fair, the 'artist' knows what he has done wrong or right, this is especially helpfull for newbies. This system is not thought true but it is a start.

You can also just appoint moderators to the quilt. Leave the voting system in but leave the ability to not checkout tiles anymore out. The voting will be just an indication. And if a tile is good or not and the artist gets a -5 it is obvious he did a good job but some f*cker is being annoying. Leave that option to the moderators, the mods ofcourse can check the whole tile out at any given time even if they are hidden and warn the 'artist' or give advise or delete etcetera. I do not know if this is a big coding issue, my PHP sux :)
Re: Re: Re: OK, everybody....
ugh my spelling sux :). "this system is not thought trough" it is (I think)
Re: Re: Re: OK, everybody....
actually this was designed with a lot of access controls. That was one of the major architecture changes in my big recode. I can add administrators to this quilt who can delete tiles and can ban specific people. I didn't add in code to allow people to just not be able to check out tiles anymore. I could probably add that in easily enough though.

My big problem is that this doesn't give people the ability to be "forgiven" if they start poorly and improve quickly. However, admins can make people Members of a quilt, even if their score would otherwise exclude them. That's another "human element" solution to the forgiveness problem.

I'm not sure about the forced comments. The big reason is that the code changes would be large and frightening, and my job is keeping me away from fixing the bugs I know about right now on this site. But aside from that, I think that getting too many votes would be more useful than only getting votes from the really motivated ones. In other words, by increasing the barrier to voting, it means we'll only get stronly positive or strongly negative votes. If people don't care about a tile, they just won't vote. So it'll only make this problem worse, I think.

Re: Re: Re: Re: OK, everybody....
The admins should really be here I think and about the forced comments, I didnt really think about it the way like you and you have a good point there. Does anyone have other good ideas?
Re: Re: OK, everybody....
I think the second quilt for people with a lower score would be a great idea. If these people throwing around with fingers and bad language don't want me to join "their" project, they should get what they want, and a lot of the other guys, including me, could also have fun with tiles.
Maybe "private" quilts would also a good idea. If that uses up too much resources on your server, you could maybe think about selling the whole script or, better, putting it under GPL ;)

Re: Re: Re: OK, everybody....
Someone needs to give me a starting tile for the second quilt then. 160x160 seems to be working well for the tile size.

We will support private quilts soon. I just haven't gotten around to fixing the simple feature I need to add for it to work.

As for the code part, I had originally planned to GPL the code. The only reason I haven't is that I had to integrate it in with the PHP for the ice site, so that ice members would be identified as such. I believe that will make it really hairy for me to distribute, since everyone will either have to have empty tables for the ice data, or I'll have to fork the code and try to merge changes to two seperate code trees. If someone wants a copy of the code for them to see what they can get out of it, let me know. I'll try to come up with something that you could feasibly work with in the next few weeks.
