| Theme

This tile is from Abstract Detail

By: takkie
Checked out at: February 18, 2001
Checked in at: February 18, 2001
Checkout tile:


This tile
Now Takkie, I know you didn't vote yourself a 5 on this tile, did you?
Re: This tile
I'll explain myself:

When I checked out this tile the quilt was buggy, you know, white corners no borders where there should be borders etc.
This original tile looked like a tile when you check it out, so black with 'Draw Here' in the middle, frustrated as I was I made this tile and didn't bother to let it get away when my top neighbour turned out to be quite different, since previously everybody agreed not to delete any tiles. I voted a 5 not because it's a great tile, but to make the score around '0' so it wouldn't count on my total score. Well that's my case, oh and by the way, I didn't vote '5' on other bad tiles of mine...