This tile is from Always Plan to Throw Out The First
Tile Info

Comment: Rain Forest
By: jamiem
Checked out at: December 08, 2000
Checked in at: December 08, 2000
Checkout tile:
In Context
This tile rules!
One of my all time favs!
This whole tileset above and below this picture is just excellent. Color values and hues are same and are very constant. I'd love to see more of these kinds of great blends of color, form and theme.
Very beautiful work!
A number of coarse expletives escaped my lips when I saw this tile. Of course, I can't repeat them here.
Wow. Great work! I can only aspire to this kind of quality.
Wow. Great work! I can only aspire to this kind of quality.
Loser voting
It's a real shame that some jelous fool went through and down-voted all of Jamie's tiles. How can this tile be worth any less than a 5?